Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Lomba Karya Ilmiah Remaja ke-43 Tahun 2011

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) bekerjasama dengan AJB Bumiputera 1912 akan menyelenggarakan Lomba Karya Ilmiah Remaja (LKIR) ke-43 Tahun 2011. LKIR adalah ajang kompetisi ilmiah bagi remaja Indonesia usia 12-19 tahun yang memiliki ketertarikan di dunia penelitian, guna meningkatkan kesadaran dan kemampuan mereka dalam menganalisa permasalahan dan mencari solusi yang tepat melalui penelitian dan aplikasi iptek. Setiap peserta harus mengikuti semua persyaratan yang tercantum pada informasi di bawah ini sebelum membuatscientific paper/karya tulis ilmiah. Rangkaian pelaksanaan lomba berupa:
  1. Peserta mengirimkan proposal penelitian kepada panitia lomba :16 Mei 2011
  2. Proposal yang lolos seleksi akan dilakukan pembimbingan minimal 3 (tiga) bulan oleh pembimbing (yang ditentukan LIPI) melalui komunikasi jarak jauh seperti via electronic mail dan telepon : Juni-September 2011
  3. Hasil akhir penelitian berupa karya tulis ilmiah akan diseleksi kembali untuk diundang mengikuti presentasi/expose sebagai Finalis di Jakarta : 23 September 2011
  4. Finalis melakukan presentasi hasil penelitian mereka dihadapan Dewan Juri berupa paparan Power Point dan Poster hasil penelitian : 3 Oktober 2011
  5. Pemenang akan diumumkan pada malam penganugerahan : 4 Oktober 2011

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

The Student Journal of Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences CALL FOR PAPERS

The Student Journal of Dale Bumpers College
of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
DEADLINE: April 29, 2011

Undergraduate students who conduct research and creative projects in cooperation with
a faculty mentor in Bumpers College or the Division of Agriculture

Students who received a Bumpers College Undergraduate Research Grant
(URG) are expected to submit articles based on the results of their URG projects

A journal for publication of research and creative projects by undergraduate students
in cooperation with a faculty mentor in Bumpers College or the Division of Agriculture

An opportunity to publish research accomplishments in a citable format

A way to develop skills needed in graduate school or to enhance the value of a
bachelor’s degree in the job market

“Instructions for Authors” for DISCOVERY 2011 submissions are found on the Bumpers

The deadline is April 29, 2011 for articles to be considered for the 2011 issue of

Send two hard copies of the manuscript, including a short personal biography
(see past issues for examples), and an electronic file to Gail Halleck, Communication
Services, 110 Agriculture Building, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark., 72701.
Precisely follow “Instructions for Authors” in the back of the last issue or on the
Web page above. A short personal biography must be submitted by every student

Make a photo appointment with Fred Miller, Communication Services, 575-4732.

Every student author/co-author must have a photo taken by Fred Miller.

For examples of published DISCOVERY articles, visit http://arkansasagnews.uark.edu/397.htm to view the Current issue or follow the links beneath archived issues.

Call or email Gail Halleck, Managing Editor, 575-5647 (ghalleck@uark.edu)